Emocean Yachting, our new partner!

Meet our new partner from Turkey, Emocean Yachting!

Their catamaran Leopard 4300 – Emocean is based in Bakrac Beach Park in Fethiye. Overall length of 43 ft, 4 + 2 cabins and registered for up to 10 people.

Emocean Yachting offers weekly and daily charters.

Skipper is not mandatory but they provide it as an optional service.

To learn more about them and how to elevate your business register toNauSYSreal-time booking system!

If you want to discover howNauSYScan help you grow your charter business, contact us at info@nausys.com.


Leopard 4300 – Emocean


Bakrac Beach Park, Fethiye, Turkey



So hurry up to our FREE real time Agency portal and start booking!

funded by EU