Val Yachting
Val Yachting is a company with many experience in the field of nautical tourism in Croatia. Their main business revolves around the charter market as they operate a fleet of yachts from well-known manufacturers. Val Yachtings’ focus is to keep their fleet well-maintained and they are constantly striving to rejuvenate it – ‘we try to welcome brand new yachts every year’.
Another important part of their business is the charter management system. They can help you become an owner of a brand new yacht and with their high standard maintenance and excellent service your boat is in good hands.
Currently their fleet consists of 23 sailing yachts and 1 motor yacht that are based in Marina Dalmacija, Sukošan. Sukošan is a perfect starting point to explore the beauty of sailing along the Croatian coastline – national parks Kornati and Telašćica, Dugi otok and many more are right by.
With an experienced staff they will welcome guests and assist them in the best possible way – ensuring customer satisfaction is their goal.
Welcome aboard!
"NauSYS is the best possible solution we could have imagined. When making changes in our operations, the platform enabled us to leap right into business as we knew the ‘system’ part was taken care of. It is a strong core of our business. With NauSYS we are confident that our operations are running on a stable, reliable, and easy-to-use system with a superb customer support.
It gives us peace of mind and we absolutely love it."
Vukovarska 19
Poreč 52440
Sukosan, D-Marin Dalmacija Marina